Friday, June 27, 2008

Day of the Ice Man

There's a job for everybody and everybody has to have a job. Today my job is to be the Ice Man.

Today the family gets ready for Alissa's wedding (Alissa is Beth's niece), and the reception is going to be held in the front yard. While the food will be catered, even caterers need ice. My job is to get the ice.

This morning I was sent out to Walmart to obtain 75 lbs of ice. And while there I was also charged with the purchase of zip-loc bags and garbage bags.

You might think a trip to Walmart would be simple. Not true. Not when the bridge is out and there is a not-so-well marked detour through the woods and wilds of Illinois. Others have been sent that direction and have not returned.

So today this is the job for a hero. This is the job for Ice Man.

+ posted by David

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