Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dropping Prices!

This morning I filled my tank for 26.00!!! Gas by our home is 2.09 today!
That's a praise! Now we can start taking those lazy weekend drives again :)

-posted by Beth

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Full Weekend!

Braxton and Zoe and I hit the road, saturday morning, and made our way to Illinos to Auntie Pam's house to attend Bryanna's baby shower. We arrived on saturday afternoon to visit with, very pregnant, Bryanna and Nick, newly pregnant Alissa and Peter, Uncle Jeff (and Sadie), Kaitlin (and Cheyanne), and Nicole with her busy brood of 3. It was a family party in and of itself! Sarah (Hill) and Isabella were there and plans were underway for food prep for the next day.

Sunday's shower was very nice. The girls did a very good job with the food, decorating and games. Lots of family and friends and babies! It was so nice to visit with everyone. My cold got worse as the weekend went on and by the end of the shower I had no voice. Oh, well. Seems to happen to me more often than it should. Uncle Jeff kept Braxton during the shower and Zoe and I went to meet them for dinner later. By monday morning the kids and I were tired out and not ready to climb back into the car fpr 7 hours but...we did. It was a blustery drive home packed with flurries, rain, wind, breaks of sun, and construction.

We got home just in time to pick up Emma from school then go home to play catch up with Bayley too. She stayed behind to take the ACT exam. Emma stayed behind to go to a friend's birthday party on saturday then a Children's Theatre production of Madeline and the Gypseys on sunday with gramma Barb.

Only 3 more days til Halloween and I don't have costumes sewn! David is in Orlando til thursday so I'll be working on just costumes til then :).
-posted by Beth

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Emma & the Elephants

Emma's Lament

Beth, Braxton, and Zoe have gone to Illinois to visit with the rellies and to go to Bryanna's baby shower. David, Emma, and Bayley are behind in Minnesota.

While Emma has had a weekend full of entertainment - a birthday party yesterday and a trip to the Children's Theater today - she still feels as if she has missed out.

This morning she said:

"I sure wish I could be at Auntie Pam's. My friend Alissa is there and if I was there I could give her a big hug!"

+ posted by David


Paul, Gretchen, Rich & Barb @ Disneyworld

Paul & Gretchen @ Kennedy Space Center

Paul & Gretchen w- Zurg

Paul & Gretchen @ Cocoa Beach

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kids on the Move!

It's MEA Week in Minnesota and the kids are on break from school. So naturally the kids have found some places to go.

Today Bayley went to Moorhead, MN to visit Minnesota State University at Moorhead. This is one of several schools she will be visiting to as she makes plans for college.

Paul & Gretchen are on a trip to Disneyworld with Rich & Barb.

Bayley will be going to northern Minnesota for church camp at Covenant Pines over the weekend.

Emma also gets to take a trip. Tomorrow she will go to the office with David and have an adventure in downtown Minneapolis.

Meanwhile, Beth and David will continue to go to work this week and work on installing some new flooring this weekend.

+ posted by David

Beware the Salt Moose!

David tells a "Tall Tale."


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Life Is Good When You're a Princess!

Drawing by Emma. Notice the Princess Crown on top of her head!


Recovery Weekend (for David)

After running the marathon last weekend, David was able to settle in for a quiet recovery this weekend. He went to Cold Spring on Friday to join Paul & Gretchen for "Family Fun Night" at their school. They played games, did a school-wide scavenger hunt, and played Bingo.

Braxton spent Friday night at his friend Andrew's house. He seems to have found a posse of teenage boys to hang out with and do whatever it is that teenage boys do while not talking to one another.

Saturday was a quiet day for David. He took Emma to her swim lessons in the morning. She is really taking to the water! She works very hard and seems to have fun no matter what they are doing. David spent the afternoon watching the Gopher football team get a road victory against Illinois. Then he took the dogs for a long walk on a beautiful fall day (sunny & 75 degrees). David was going to run with the dogs, but his legs are still sore from the marathon.

Zoe had a soccer game on Saturday. Braxton and Bayley had a service project at church.

Beth had a busy Saturday which also featured a recovery theme. She met some friends for breakfast and then went to Zoe's soccer game. After that she went out with the Houston girls - Barb, Cathy, and Jenny - and they all went to the spa together. This was an outing Cathy had given them all for Christmas last year. Beth got a deep tissue massage. The masseuse indicated that Beth had the tightest, tensest shoulders she had ever worked on. Beth needed that massage!

Sunday was also a nice quiet recovery day - for David. The family went to Sunday School together in the morning. Then Bayley, Braxton, and Zoe - supervised by Beth - went to their Dad's house to do some cleaning as part of his birthday present.

David went home and squirmed through a Viking's victory over the hapless, winless Lions. In the afternoon, Beth & David took advantage of the warm day (80 degrees!) and took the dogs for another long walk.

+ posted by David