Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Showdown in Chi-Town

After 162 games things are still tied up between the Twins and the White Sox. So today there will be extra baseball - a one game "play in" to see which team will make the post-season.

Braxton & his autgraphed bat from Carlos "Go-Go" Gomez

Braxton says:

G O - G O

T W I N S ! !

Friday, September 26, 2008

Pandemonium at the Metrodome

The White Sox came to town this week with a 2 1/2 game lead over our Minnesota Twins. The only real hope for the Twins to make the playoffs was to sweep all three games from the White Sox. And they did!!!

Braxton, Bayley, Zoe, and Brad all went to the game on Wednesday night. A 3-2 win nail-biter of a win. Then last night Braxton & Brad went again and David went to the game with Rich.

What a rollercoaster!! The Twins were down 6-1 in the 4th inning, but then the speedsters began chipping away at the lead. Carlos Gomez had a single, a double, 2 triples, and scored the game-tying run on a triple by Denard Span. These guys can fly!!!

It was fun to watch a big night by Gomez who gave Braxton great support and an autographed bat when we visited the Dome in June.

So first we say, "Thank you, Gomez! and "Thank you, Twins!"

Then we say:

G O T W I N S ! ! !

+ posted by David

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Last Year - Sadness in Minneapolis

This was last year:


I-35W Bridge Collapse (StarTribune.com)

I am sure that everybody has already heard about the collapse of the I-35W bridge in downtown Minneapolis.
There are no words for this kind of a tragedy.
No words ... just sadness.

The mood is somber today. People aren't sure how to respond. Are we allowed to complain about commute times after such an event? My commute time has doubled and the longer commute will probably last two years (maybe longer). But this pales next to the tragedy of lost loved ones.

No words ... just sadness.

Today - 35W Bridge Re-Opens

This is today:


It doesn't seem possible that this has happened so quickly. Just 13 months after the collapse, the new bridge has been built and is open to traffic! David's bus commute was 10 minutes shorter this morning.


Still ... we need to remember the lives lost and the families forever hurt by the collapse. The price of even one human life is much too high. Have mercy on us, Lord.

Free At Last!!

Braxton went to see Dr. Clohisy (surgeon) this week for another broken arm check. He was told that he doesn't have to wear the immobility cast anymore!!! He does still have weight and activity restrictions though. Brax can increase his weight lifted to 3lbs. and can start a program at the Y. We go back in early November for the last check and, hopefully, the All Clear :). No football conditioning yet, but by NOvember he should be on track to start. Keep Braxton in your prayers as he is still adjusting to school and the expectations of a demanding workload.
-posted by Beth

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

PLaying Catch-up!

Hello all you bloggers!
Life for the Kinner-Houston's moves along. Over the weekend, I got to have some time in Hutchinson visiting Alice, Brenda and her kids (in-law family from my first marriage). It was SO good to see them and and the kids and do the "my how you've grown!" bit. We went to the art fair in Hutchinson went back to Brenda's house to visit. Posted pictures are coming!!

On sunday, we started back to Sunday School! I am not teaching this year and David and I are attending an adult SS class together. Braxton started in Senior High SS time and Zoe moved into Club 56 (fifth and sixth graders together). After church we went to the Bell Museum on the U of M campus. It's a taxidermied animal kind of museum. The kids enjoyed the incerdibly life like animal displays as well as the Touch and See Room and the bird fact scavenger hunt. Gretchen finished first and the proceeded to finish some of the other kid's scavenger hunt sheets :) They got museum buttons as a prize. The Bell is a cool place! Pictures to follow from this trip too.

Saturday night we had some grown up time viewing vacation pictures from Barb and Rich's Baltic crusie to Russia, Estonia, Sweden, London...Lots of beautiful churches, museums, castles, and sunsets on the boat. Bethany was at our house babysitting all of the kids (except Bayley and Brax) and brought John, Sarah and Molly along as well. It was a full night at our house! Braxton was overnight with a friend but John came anyway and hung out with kids. :)

The week is half done and we've already had high school open houses and piano lessons.

I hope that the rain, in Illinois, has stopped! We only got a sideswipe of storms that went other places. But my plants are happy not to be frying in the summer sun!

more later...
-posted by Beth

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10-catching up

HI all!!
Whoo, do the days go by fast!! The kids have settled into their school routines wel. Emma is loving kindergarten and, despite a couple trips to the nurses office for bumps on the playground, she is happy, happy, happy! Zoe has started fall soccer games on saturdays and practices on thursdays. Her first game was on a real regulation sized field with a real regulation sized goal! They got creamed. But they did score twice anyway. They will be better prepared this weekend.
Braxton has hit the reality wall of being back to school and homework overload. He's handling it ok and is keeping up. First tests are this week. We'll see how things go. He's playing his trumpet in pep band for games and has his first game this friday. No football but having fun with band. He sees his surgeon in 2 weeks to, hopefully, get the cast off. Finally!
Bayley is looking ahead to colleges and we'll be planning some school visits soon. Bethel is on her list, but it's so close to home...I don't mind but she does. :(
David has been taking the bus to work for a month, now, and is doing ok. Coordinating bus and dropping girls off at school is taking shape. Yeah David!! Saving gas, money, and getting in more reading time.
Happy birthday to Auntie Nicole -my sister (9/8) and cousin Kaitlin-my niece (9/11)!!! We love you and hope you have great birthday celebrations!!
-posted by Beth

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School reviews

"It was the BEST day ever!!!" Emma yells as she runs out of school. :) "They have chocolate milk for lunch and we had art and they have the cutest baby dolls and...." just one long stream of the greatest hits from the day. It was a rainy first day so Emma will get to play on the playground, for the first time, today.

Zoe met a bunch of friends in the school entry hall before the bell rang and went off with them before I could say goodbye. Fifth grade is the King of the Hill year! Zoe had a good day but came home tired. Several hours of water and sun, from the day before, had her still a bit slow. No homework ,but a bunch of friends in class so Zoe gave the first day an A rating.

Braxton started the day with a morning full of large group ice breaker activities. Just the Freshmen class met to get comfortable with the school before the large group of the rest of the student body converged today. In the afternoon, Braxton had 14 minute period classes to get a quick intro and move on. Braxton said the day was good. he has, at least ,1 person he knows in each class and a lunch period with friends too. He was, also, tired out after school.

Bayley didn't start school til today so she spent the day sleeping and hanging out at home. She went to school at 2 and met Brax to walk him home. She can be nice to him sometimes :).

The evening was full of school talk and gathering more needed school supplies, signing papers, and packing lunches for the next day. All of the kids (and David) went to bed early...I stayed up mentally debriefing the start of another school year.
*pictures to follow
-posted by Beth

First Day of School - Braxton

First Day of School - Emma & Zoe

Emma in New Classroom

First Day of School - Bayley

Monday, September 1, 2008

End of Summer

Kids w- School Bus Cake baked by Beth

Today was the last day of summer - School starts tomorrow!

Beth and the kids marked the end of the summer by going mini-golfing, spending the afternoon at the YMCA pool, getting Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner, and having a Back-to-School cake.

+posted by David