Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10-catching up

HI all!!
Whoo, do the days go by fast!! The kids have settled into their school routines wel. Emma is loving kindergarten and, despite a couple trips to the nurses office for bumps on the playground, she is happy, happy, happy! Zoe has started fall soccer games on saturdays and practices on thursdays. Her first game was on a real regulation sized field with a real regulation sized goal! They got creamed. But they did score twice anyway. They will be better prepared this weekend.
Braxton has hit the reality wall of being back to school and homework overload. He's handling it ok and is keeping up. First tests are this week. We'll see how things go. He's playing his trumpet in pep band for games and has his first game this friday. No football but having fun with band. He sees his surgeon in 2 weeks to, hopefully, get the cast off. Finally!
Bayley is looking ahead to colleges and we'll be planning some school visits soon. Bethel is on her list, but it's so close to home...I don't mind but she does. :(
David has been taking the bus to work for a month, now, and is doing ok. Coordinating bus and dropping girls off at school is taking shape. Yeah David!! Saving gas, money, and getting in more reading time.
Happy birthday to Auntie Nicole -my sister (9/8) and cousin Kaitlin-my niece (9/11)!!! We love you and hope you have great birthday celebrations!!
-posted by Beth

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