Sunday, July 13, 2008

weekend of WORK

David and I spent the weekend diging dirt...and rocks. We made the decision to redig the landscape rock areas on either side of the driveway. A BIG , hot, heavy, dusty, and sunburned job. It took all weekend but we got 1 side of the driveway mostly done. The trench is deeper and refilled with the old rocks but waiting for the new, very cool, river rocks to top it all off. They should be dumped on the driveway in the morning. I love home inprovements (but I forgot to take pics for the blog)! David says that it's a list checking thing, that I love home imrpovements. I like to check off the lists. The children were very helpful by keeping themselves entertained. Emma tried to help dig but got distracted by a worm. Then her thoughts drifted to making a wormery. So I moved her over to the garden to dig in a more "wormlike" environment. She found a slug and 2 worms but, I don't know if they survived the day...
Bayley came home from church camp on saturday and had an "amazing" time. She loves the whole camp thing (chapel, singing, devos, night games, day games...), she's a camp girl. Bayley jumped at an invitation to be a lead caddie at a Girl Scout day camp that starts...tomorrow! She had to bow out for the first day and start her duties on tuesday because of some church committments to the Dominican trip (2 weeks away!). Bayley fills her schedule pretty full, but will finally get her driver's liscense in August after the DR trip. (!) She walks to school and gas is too high to believe AND she doesn't have a job so will she need a driver's liscense or get to use it? Tune in...
Happy birthday to my niece, Bryanna Tanner!!! Happy Birthday to you!! I have been trying to remeber how old you are by trying to remember how old I was when you were born. But I can't do the math. I remember waiting in the hospital waiting room for you to be born, then your dad comes out and proclaims "she was born at 7:47 but she doesn't look like an airplane to me!" :)
At present, it's 10:20 pm and the kids are rifling through the house looking for tent poles for Braxton's tent which I need for pre-school tomorrow. We found 1 set...can a tent stand with 1 set of supports? It's not looking good.
more later :)
-posted by Beth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi To All!
I always read the blog to keep up to date with family activities. Even though we only live across the lake I never can keep up with everything that's going on. We'll be very anxious to hear about Bailey's trip to the DR. I'm sure she'll have a wonderful time and learn much! I'm so glad that we're not reading about Braxton's days in the hospital! He's home!! It's late. Time for bed!