Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Again

Emma had her "kid party" this weekend and I am happy to say that we survived!

The Chatty Chatty Princess invited eight girls over for her party. They all arrived at about 12:30 on Saturday. After being greeted by Sunny & Rufus, the girls went to the dining room to decorate party bags. Then there was a game of "hot potato" and after that Beth served cake and ice cream.

Rich came over to help us transport the girls down the street to the family center where there is an indoor playground called "The Eagle's Nest."

The Eagle's Nest was total pandemonium! There were at least four other birthday parties happening at the same time and loud, screaming kids were everywhere. The girls had a great time climbing, crawling through tubes, playing in the ball pit, and going down slides. Zoe was there to help monitor things. Barb came and watched the chaos, too.

After letting the girls run wild for a little over an hour, we gathered them up to go back to the house.

Wait a minute!

We only have seven girls. We need two more!

After a little searching, we found the last two girls and got everyone home safely.

Once back at the house, Emma opened up her gifts. Then we finished the party with a pinata.

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