Sunday, August 24, 2008

Congratulations, Catherine

It was another wedding weekend for our Blended Family Circus. This time the wedding was on David's side.

On Friday, August 22nd, Catherine Houston got hitched to her new man, Kevin Cameron. This was a second marriage for both and so another blended family was born. With two simple "I do's" and an "I now pronounce you husband and wife," the count for Barb & Rich's grandchildren jumped from eight to eleven!

The wedding took place Friday evening in Minnetonka, a suburb to the southwest of Minneapolis. Catherine was attended by four bridesmaids and five flower girls. Her daughter, Allie, was the Maid of Honor.

Kevin had four groomsmen - his sons Neil, Craig and Carter, and Catherine's son, Jack. Neil was his best man.

The wedding had only one hitch. The ushers (David & Kevin's brother Keith), were supposed to light two flanks of candles. We were warned ahead of time that these were beeswax candles and that they might be hard to light. Thirteen candles lit fine. The fourteenth candle put up a fight. David and Keith had to work together to get the candle to cooperate. When a flame finally flickered, David & Keith received a well-deserved ovation from the congregation.

At the end of the ceremony, the musicians played "I'm a Believer" and the attendants and flower girls all skipped out of the church. It was a great sight!

The reception was held on a boat which cruised one of the bays of Lake Minnetonka. Catherine and Kevin had arranged for great food and the weather was perfect. And Catherine was smart enough to get glow-in-the-dark tubes for all of the kids. These were a lot of fun as the sun went down over the lake.

Most important things learned at the reception:

Kevin is not a world-class athlete, country musician, politician, CEO, extreme sports writer, or graphic designer.

Catherine IS a Princess!

+ posted by David

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