Our summer of goings and comings continues this week as we sent Zoe off, on the camp bus, for Girl Scout camp for 6 days. She and 2 friends climbed aboard an air conditioned coach bus (!) for the 4 hour drive to Camp Northwoods for 1 week of boating, swimming, GS crafting, riding, and shenanigans :). Braxton misses her the most.
We welcomed Bayley home from her Dominican trip!!! She arrived, without a hitch, back in the Twin Cities around 11pm monday night and was home by 12:30. It was late and the next morning she was off with her dad, so I still havn't heard all the news other than that it was "AMAZING!". No bugs, a good tan, hard work, fun at the beach and a successful VBS program made for a great 10 days. Bayley took 400 pictures so some will get posted as as soon as we can get to it. Bayley reported that, on her birthday, she was sung to in many different languages. Great memories! But now she's got the travel bug...
David has moved back into his original ING offices after a summer in temporary housing for re-purposing of office space in the old building (?). he has given up driving to work in an effort to save money and gas. The bus is his new transportation. He's had to learn the schedules and find his stop. Sounds just like school. :) A new lunchbox is in order to go with his new ergonomic school bag.
I have begun my last graduate class!! I have 4 more sessions before saying goodbye to the adult classroom. Then, thesis writing will begin. 18 months has gone by quickly but the remnants of it will live in my dining room until the next time I can clean it out and store it away.
Braxton has begun more normal mobility in his broken arm. He can do a limited workout at the Y, has permission to get in the pool (but not swim or be wild), has started piano lessons and is going to get back to riding a bike and playing the trumpet.
Paul and Gretchen returned from a week long trip to the Black Hills. Fun at reptile Gardens, seeing bison, and going to Mount Rushmore will be posted in pics.
Emma finished summer swim class and soccer this week. She got in the game with a few good kicks and capped it all off with a popsickle! What more could one want?!
Summer is going but, there's still alot to do!
-posted by Beth
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